Reporting Fraudulent Debit Card or ATM Transactions

Do you believe that you have a fraudulent debit card or ATM transaction on your account? Follow this process to file a debit card or ATM fraud dispute.

To File a Debit Card or ATM Dispute:

  • Please call the Disputes Resolution Team at 1-833-995-2888.
  • The Dispute Resolution Team will gather information and start the dispute.
  • If additional information is requested, a letter will be sent to you; however, you may call the Dispute Resolution Team with any follow-up questions at any time. 

Additional Safety Tips to Stay Secure

Security of your card and PIN number
To protect you and your card and avoid unauthorized use, remember these safety tips:

  • Please sign your card upon receipt.
  • Destroy your old card when it expires or when your new card becomes effective.
  • Memorize your PIN. Do NOT write it on the back of your card or keep it with you.
  • Never disclose your PIN to anyone.
  • Keep a written record of your PIN entirely separate from your Card.
  • Keep your Card in a safe place.
  • Remember to pick up your ATM receipts before leaving the ATM.
  • Safeguard your account number. Always obtain merchant receipts and destroy carbons
Security When Approaching the ATM
  • Be alert - look around the area.
  • Leave immediately if you see or sense anything suspicious.
  • Always have your Card in hand, ready to use.
Security While at the ATM
  • Allow a comfortable distance between you and the person using the ATM.
  • Respect any line barriers that say “Wait Here".
  • Do not walk up to the ATM before the current user has left.
  • Use your body to shield the ATM's keyboard from another person's line of sight.
  • Don't stop to count the money or expose it for others to see.
  • Place all money into your pocket or purse immediately.
Security When Leaving the ATM
  • Remain alert - watch for strangers who may approach or follow you.
  • Keep safe distances between you and others.
  • If someone follows you, go to the nearest populated place such as a store or restaurant.
Refuse Telephone Inquiries
  • Do not reveal any information about your Card over the phone.
  • Verification of your Card account(s) and PIN should only take place in person at your financial institution.
  • If you receive a call about your Card,  contact your financial institution immediately and we will suggest the next course of action.
Report Theft or Loss Immediately
  • Call 1-888-692-2654 to report a card lost or stolen. During non-business hours, you may also call 1-800-236-2442.
  • The non-business hours telephone number noted above is typically used only for reporting the cardlost or stolen.