A lot of people talk about investing in different kinds of assets, but knowing what each of these options actually is can help investors determine which of them to include in a financial plan. Stocks and bonds are common topics of discussion, and each of these has a plethora of other investment options embedded inside it. For those interested in longer terms and less mercurial investments, bonds may be the right investment.
Federal, corporate, municipal
For the most part, any kind of bond will not be purchasable for less than $1,000. These are meant to be long-term, sometimes tax-sheltered investments that purchasers won't want to sell for a few years. Some annual financial calculators have the option to opt back in every year, while others may not be done maturing for up to 40 years.
Treasury investmentsThe U.S. government has both notes and bonds that consumers can buy in intervals of $1,000, but the minimum time they remain active is different. Both pay semiannual interest, but notes can range from two to 10 years with opt-out periods, while bonds require a 10-year commitment. These are considered the safest kind of investment, and as PBS pointed out, some series' of bonds like I bonds, which have a limited number issued annually, offer very good payouts.
Corporate funds
Consider these corporate bonds a complicated IOU, according to Investing In Bonds Online. These notes offer a little more risk but sometimes higher returns. Buying into a company means counting on that entity to do well, and those with less money to lose should avoid high-yield bonds as a financial tip; they are called "junk bonds" for a reason. This variety offers a bigger payout in most cases, compared to those offered by more stable companies, but they also carry greater risk as the company may default and offer no return at all.
Municipal moneyMuch of the popularity of these investments is that they are not taxable, though they are purchased through government agencies most of the time. They are more expensive to procure – often carrying at least a $5,000 price tag – and take about 30 to 40 years to come due. During that time, though, no interest will be held against the owner during tax time, making it a perfect investment plan for young children or retirement assets.