College and Retirement

College and Retirement

Two Goals, One Pot of Money There’s no doubt that college costs are high — and getting higher. So, if you expect your child to go to college, it probably makes sense to start saving as early as possible. There’s also no doubt that if you plan to retire someday, you’re...
College and Retirement

Making a Plan and Checking It Twice

Want to give yourself a really valuable and lasting present? How about a financial plan? Promise yourself that once the holidays are over, you’ll take time to thoroughly review your finances — and come up with a strategy for reaching all your goals. Begin with a...
College and Retirement


A Checklist for the New Year The start of every new year brings the promise of new beginnings. It’s a time to think about setting new goals and resolving to do new things. If one of your resolutions for 2012 is to find new and better ways to manage your finances and...
Save Your Spare Change

Save Your Spare Change

A cup of coffee here, a candy bar there. A magazine, a soda, a DVD or video game rental. Have you ever thought about how much you’re spending on little things? Paying out a few bucks a day may seem like pocket change — until you start adding it up. Bean Counting Let’s...
College and Retirement

Speed Up Saving

Speed Up Saving While Slowing Down Spending Do you find that money pours out of your checking account and only trickles into your savings account? If stemming cash outflow each week is difficult, consider strategies to help you decrease spending and increase your...