What should people know when planning for retirement?

Are you saving enough for retirement?

Download the Free Retirement Whitepaper from First United In recent years, a large and growing number of baby boomers has reached retirement age, and a majority are choosing to stop working. But younger Americans these days seem to be less certain that this kind...
What should people know when planning for retirement?

College and Retirement

Two Goals, One Pot of Money There’s no doubt that college costs are high — and getting higher. So, if you expect your child to go to college, it probably makes sense to start saving as early as possible. There’s also no doubt that if you plan to...
What should people know when planning for retirement?

Wise Moves for Young Families

Once you have children, a new sense of responsibility takes over. With a small person depending on you, you want to do what’s best for your young family. Here are a few wise moves to consider. Begin with a Budget To get your budget started, find out where your...