Mobile or online banking is a personal call

Mobile or online banking is a personal call

In an age where most people have cell phones and more Americans are getting smartphones every year, the percentage of mobile banking clients versus online banking users is continuing to shift. The flexibility and convenience of checking accounts, moving funds and...
Mobile or online banking is a personal call

Holiday stress can harm financial fitness

Everyone knows the feeling of waiting in long lines and shopping desperately for long hours for just the right gift. What's worse, the avoidance of checking account balances with mobile banking could mean more than just a shrinking account. For some, it indicates a...
Mobile or online banking is a personal call

How to cut your grocery bill

Opening a bank account isn't enough to keep your money safe. You have to make sure you're spending it in a way that is both effective and responsible, or else your financial wellness could be at stake. There are a number of things you can do to ensure you keep the...