Today’s Market Action

Today’s Market Action

Domestic equity markets are closed today (fixed-income markets close at noon ET), as Hurricane Sandy – the largest Atlantic storm on record to approach the northeast seaboard, prompted a regional evacuation and sand-bagging at the NYSE.  Should the 900-mile...
Today’s Market Action

Overseas Election Results Stunt Stocks

Equity markets closed sharply lower on Friday and on the week after the April payrolls report showed the U.S. economy created just 115,000 new jobs, the fewest in six months.  The S&P 500 lost 2.4% last week, its largest weekly retreat since...
Today’s Market Action

Money Market Funds

How Much Do You Know About Them?   Looking for an investment that’s highly liquid and presents very little risk to your principal? A money market mutual fund* may be a good choice.   Money market mutual funds typically invest in high-quality,...