Crowdfunding vs. community bank loans

Crowdfunding vs. community bank loans

Despite tentative positive trends suggesting traditional small business financing will be easier to come by this year, many experts predict that 2012 will see the continued rise of alternative sources of funding. Crowdfunding sites that encourage large pools of...
Are you ready to expand your small business?

Are you ready to expand your small business?

As the owner of a local small business, you know the hardships involved with getting a company off the ground. Chances are, you took out some commercial loans, tapped other sources of funding and operated at a loss for a while after opening the business. If things...
Are you ready to expand your small business?

Cash flow management, financial services and you

Cash flow management can seem intimidating for small business owners. As Inc. magazine explains, the process of managing cash flow involves collecting payments, controlling disbursements, forecasting cash needs and more. In addition to entrepreneurs themselves, it...