Mar 22, 2012 | Banking and Finance
A recent report from the Guardian Life Small Business Research Institute examined the practices of small business owners (SBOs) who saw revenue increases in 2011 and identified several steps for entrepreneurs eager to make 2012 a success. Small business owners who...
Mar 21, 2012 | Running Your Business
According to the most recent Kauffman Index of Entrepreneurial Activity, the rate of small business creation fell last year. Additionally, those who do successfully launch startups remained more likely to stay sole proprietors rather than take on employees. ...
Mar 19, 2012 | Running Your Business
For small business owners like you, every aspect of running your company can seem like a priority. When you're in that kind of mindset, it's easy to get overwhelmed by all the pressing tasks you need to attend to, which likely run the gamut from business...
Mar 15, 2012 | Banking and Finance
According to a recent report, many small business owners (SBOs) are eager to get financial tips from a qualified adviser, although some demographics may benefit more from enlisting an adviser than others. Research conducted for Securian Financial Group found that SBOs...
Mar 13, 2012 | Banking and Finance
Even the best-laid plans have the potential to go awry, and the financial plan you have for your company is no exception. You may be confident that you've considered all possible expenditures. However, it's still likely that you underestimated the cost the...