How a small business can withstand slow sales

How a small business can withstand slow sales

It happens during the life of every small business – sales slow down, the financial plan is stressed and income starts to dry up. While this is often inevitable, it doesn't have to mark the end of the company. On the other hand, there are several ways to avoid a...
How a small business can withstand slow sales

How entrepreneurs can succeed in 2014

The new year means plenty of opportunities for small business owners and entrepreneurs alike. When it comes to crafting an ideal financial plan over the next twelve months, past trends and future predictions should help pave the way.In addition to the current small...
Cyber threats could plague small businesses in 2014

Cyber threats could plague small businesses in 2014

A cyber attack could target any business, no matter the size. Accordingly, small business owners have to be prepared for threats from any angle, or else business banking, customer data and a broad range of information could be at risk.The new year could bring about...
How a small business can withstand slow sales

Don’t let work ruin time away from the office

Most small business owners are well aware of this problem – time off is never truly time off. Instead, the phone rings of the hook, business banking needs checking, there are countless emails to be answered and there is a constant fear of what is going wrong...