Manage time, money in order to succeed

Manage time, money in order to succeed

What should the priority be for a small business owner? Is it to work 12- to 13-hour days, or find ways to be more efficient and create a better balance between work and home? While many entrepreneurs brag about putting in insanely-long work weeks, there is...
4 tricks to manage employees

4 tricks to manage employees

Entrepreneurs have their hands full when first starting a business, from creating an effective financial plan to drumming up enough funding to get everything off the ground. That is why they might not be totally prepared when it comes time to manage those initial...
4 tricks to manage employees

4 tricks to get more done at work

If a financial plan is struggling, there could be a serious problem with the motivation and drive of the company's employees. This could arise because of a number of reasons, but the goal of any good leader is to keep everyone on track and ensure that quality work is...
4 tricks to manage employees

5 methods to become a great leader

Every business needs great leaders, whether they are at the top of the food chain or the bottom. This is especially true at a small business, where a lack of quality management and teamwork can cripple the operation and its financial plan.That being said, small...