Curbing Credit Card Debt

Curbing Credit Card Debt

You’re certainly not alone if you carry more credit card debt from month to month than you’d like. Breaking the cycle is rarely easy, but the benefits of wiping burdensome debt off your personal balance sheet can be huge. Here’s how to get started. Take a Total List...
Wise Moves for Young Families

Wise Moves for Young Families

Smart Financial Moves for Young Families Having children brings a new sense of responsibility. With a small person depending on you, it’s natural to want to make the best decisions for your growing family. Here are a few wise financial moves to help secure your...
Avoid Holiday Hangover

Avoid Holiday Hangover

With consumer sentiment the highest it’s been since the recession, shoppers are expected to open their wallets a bit wider this year.  Will holiday spending leave shoppers in the red?  Not if they plan wisely and use some common sense tips from First United Bank &...
Wise Moves for Young Families

A Vacation from Your Finances?

There’s No Such Getaway You can get away from your job, your home, and your neighbor’s barking dog, but your finances follow you wherever you go. So, it makes sense to review your financial situation at least annually to find out where you stand and whether you need...
Wise Moves for Young Families

Making a Plan and Checking It Twice

Want to give yourself a really valuable and lasting present? How about a financial plan? Promise yourself that once the holidays are over, you’ll take time to thoroughly review your finances — and come up with a strategy for reaching all your goals. Begin with a...