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Getting the W2 right

Getting the W2 right

Let's face it, tax documents can seem nebulous and convoluted, and even seasoned accountants may encounter problems with forms that change, merge and create new variants every year. One of the most important ones is also that which is disseminated most often among...

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How to handle a garnishment

How to handle a garnishment

Payroll employees are usually swamped with plenty of calculations each pay period, figuring out proper deductions for a plethora of taxes, benefits and other necessary withholdings. There are other kinds of deductions, though, that may cause confusion. A payroll...

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Avoid Holiday Hangover

Avoid Holiday Hangover

With consumer sentiment the highest it’s been since the recession, shoppers are expected to open their wallets a bit wider this year.  Will holiday spending leave shoppers in the red?  Not if they plan wisely and use some common sense tips from First...

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Some workplace decorations are mandatory

Some workplace decorations are mandatory

Providing fair and accurate information to workers is essential at the office, but in some cases, it is legally required. The Department of Labor provides a comprehensive list of all the signage that must be prominently displayed in the workplace, and failing to...

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Today’s Highlights

Today’s Highlights

“A Republic, If You Can Keep It.”  Noting Benjamin Franklin’s definition of America’s form of government led by the people, U.S. voters decide today whether to grant President Obama another four years in office or hand the keys to the...

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Making sense of tax paper numbers

Making sense of tax paper numbers

There are a lot of forms and paperwork associated with regular tax filings, both for businesses and individuals, but getting the right forms the first time is essential to a smooth submission process. Different kinds of work will result in various kinds of paperwork,...

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Today’s Market Action

Today’s Market Action

Domestic equity markets are closed today (fixed-income markets close at noon ET), as Hurricane Sandy – the largest Atlantic storm on record to approach the northeast seaboard, prompted a regional evacuation and sand-bagging at the NYSE.  Should the 900-mile...

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Payroll Data

Payroll Data

Keep it secret, keep it safe When it comes to workplace confidentiality, understanding the weight of the situation is crucial. Many wrongly assume that this applies to payroll only insomuch as not revealing who makes how much money and for which jobs, but it actually...

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