There's a right and a wrong way to promote your product. However, there's a fine line between the two. You need to be able to still get word of your item or service out to the public without forcing them to take the information. Consider the do's and don'ts below for suggestions on how and how not to market your services:
1. Take the time to plan
Many companies spend plenty of time working on perfecting their products, but not enough on what they'll do with them after, according to Forbes. To be able to successfully market your product or service, you need to put as much effort into promoting it as you did building it. If you don't put enough time into readying accompanying material, then your marketing strategy isn't going to be as strong as you'd like it to be. Set aside some time to work your advertising tactics in your financial plan.
2. Don't beg
If you truly have a product or service people will love, then you shouldn't have to directly contact people to sell it. One of the worse things you can do is to push yourself and your product on someone, Entrepreneur explained. If you do a good enough job marketing to your audience, you'll have customers coming to you.
3. Show, don't tell
Your product has to have value, otherwise you wouldn't have created it. Let people see that it can be beneficial to them – don't just tell them, the source suggested. If your product is as great as you think it is, it will demonstrate that. Words are empty unless there is evidence to back them up, so you need to make sure you actually show consumers what your products can do for them. Ask yourself why potential clients should care, and if you can't come up with a value-based answer, you may need to rethink your plan, according to Forbes.
4. Don't use the wrong marketing language
If you're marketing to the proper group of people, you shouldn't have to change the words you use to describe your product or service, the source explained. You shouldn't dumb down what you have to offer them – it will detract from your company. However, you also shouldn't use industry-specific terminology that only people in certain markets will understand. You want to appeal to the largest audience without offending anyone. Your advertising language shouldn't be too simple, but it also shouldn't be so complicated that it makes people feel dumb.
5. Be available
While you shouldn't force your product on people, you should be open to answering any questions they may have. Make sure your contact information is available on all your marketing products. Consumers should easily be able to find a phone number or email address that will allow them to communicate with you regarding inquiries. Put it on your website, fliers, commercials, etc. Any materials that are used for marketing purposes should have some form of contact information on it.
You have a remarkable product that could benefit your audience. However, if you go about marketing it in the wrong way, you're not going to receive the amount of consumers you'd like. Take the time to plan out your strategy and actually show potential clients what you can do for them.