There’s being nice, and then there’s being a pushover. When running your small business, the latter term shouldn’t describe you. You won’t accomplish anything without letting your employees and clients make all the calls. To be a good employer for your staff and business, you must know when to let people have fun and when to put your foot down.
1. Set Guidelines
Like any establishment, your company needs rules for its employees and customers. Otherwise, your office will devolve into chaos and that money in your business banking account will disappear. Create a list of do’s and don’ts that you and your staff need to follow to keep everything in working order, the Houston Chronicle suggested. Hold yourself and your employees responsible for any mistakes they make. This includes doling out penalties when necessary. You should allow some flexibility in the office, but that doesn’t mean everyone does their own thing.
2. Say No
Telling every employee and client yes will surely land you in trouble. Some people may feel guilty telling others “no,” but you shouldn’t be one of them. When you’re in charge, you need to know when to make tough calls, requiring you to turn someone down occasionally. Don’t agree to something just because it’ll make the person happy. You need to be on board with every decision in your company. If you take on every project, you’ll see a downturn in quality.
3. Show Emotion
As a human being, you have a wide range of feelings inside of you. However, those may not always be displayed outwardly. This is where you’re going wrong. Showing your emotions is good for both you and your staff. If you bottle it all up, you will explode one day, and it will most likely be an employee or a customer. Neither of those situations would be beneficial for your business. Instead, let everyone know what you’re feeling. If you’re happy with how something has turned out, express your appreciation. On the other hand, if something is a complete disaster, don’t be afraid to let your dissatisfaction show. While it may take some getting used to, your employees will welcome your honesty.
4. Share Your Expectations
If you’re shy, this and the rest of the steps may be hard to accomplish. However, because you’re in charge, you need to follow through. Just like you have to establish rules for your office, you need to let your employees know what you expect of them, the Houston Chronicle explained. Share your opinions, but also lead by example. Show up on time, keep your staff informed and work hard.
While you should embrace everyone’s individuality, you shouldn’t let them walk all over you with their decisions. You should strive to create a positive, welcoming environment with room for rules.
Perform to Expectations With the Help of First United Bank & Trust
Help push aside your pushover tendencies with the help of First United Bank & Trust. Premier personal banking or setting realistic financial goals for your business can help keep your tasks in a row and allow you to shift your priorities to more personal items. Contact our team or find your nearest branch online today!