With over 360,000 deals, while rare, there could be an occasion where a deal doesn’t work. With our guarantee, you simply click “I had a problem” and submit a receipt and you’ll receive a check for the amount of the discount you should have received.
The BaZing Guarantee states if an offer that is listed on the website or app is not honored and you go ahead and make the purchase as listed on the offer you can send in your receipt with a description of your experience to BaZing Customer Service and we will issue a refund.
You can also send an email to BaZing Customer Service with the merchant name, location and issue experienced. If additional information is needed it will be gathered at that time. Or, if the customer is using the app there is a way to send a notice to Customer Service directly from the app. When you close the offer there are different options to choose. One of those is ‘I had a problem’. This means that for whatever reasons there was an issue with redeeming the offer. When you select that option; you are given the option of adding a picture of the receipt. Simply click the ‘camera’ icon to do that. Then click ‘submit’.
The maximum refund is $100.