The U1 Connect team continues to work diligently to implement features and enhancements for the best user experience. Now it is time to check-in with users and get some feedback! This survey is only targeted to those who are currently using U1 Connect. Results will be reviewed by the U1 Connect team and will aim to be shared out at a Be Informed meeting.

By April 30,2024, please take a few minutes to carefully answer the following questions to share your insights on the training and usability of U1 Connect :

IT - U1Connect Survey

"*" indicates required fields

Your Role

(Enter a number in the field below)
3. How comfortable are you using U1 Connect?*
4. Do you know where to find resources for U1 Connect?
5. Do you know a SME (Subject Matter Expert) that you can ask for help with U1 Connect?*

Rating U1 Connect

1=Needs Improvement, 2=Below Expectations, 3=Meets Expectations, 4=Exceeds Expectations, 5=Outstanding
6. Rate the U1 Connect Training you received*
7. Rate the value U1 Connect provides to do your daily tasks:*
8. Rate U1 Connect vs. Sales Management*
11. Has U1 Connect helped you strengthen or manage your customer relationships?*