Happy Retirement!
Helen, Wishing you the very best during your next chapter. Enjoy every minuet of it. You deserve it. You will be missed greatly! - Kelsey Friend
Happy Retirement!
Helen, Thank you for all your help over the years. I hope you enjoy retirement. JT - JT Bowling
Happy Retirement!
Congratulations on your retirement. Just think of all the mowing you can do next summer! Thanks for all your help thru the years, I really enjoyed working with you. I will miss seeing your smiling face! - Dianna Moats
Happy Retirement!
Helen - Congratulations on your retirement! Well deserved 🙂 Just wanted to say that I have always appreciated your help and insight. I remember when I started at the bank as the Grantsville Branch Manager (with a minimal understanding of loan underwriting and the...
Happy Retirement!
Congratulations on your well-earned retirement. I have to be honest with you…I’m a little jealous! I truly believe life’s real journey starts at retirement. Best of luck and take care as you will surely be missed! - Stacey Evans
Happy Retirement!
Congratulations on your upcoming retirement Helen! Thank you for all the assistance and willingness to pass on your wisdom over the years. It was nice knowing that when I had a question you would not only answer the question but help me to understand the "why" and...
Happy Retirement!
It was great working with you! You will be missed! Best Wishes! - Broc Lohr
Wishing you all the happiness and joy retirement can bring! Cheers! - Jenn Petrie
Happy Retirement!
Congratulations Helen! A sincere "thank you" for walking me through DTI calculations and helping me figure out some of the more interesting issues with a few of our loans. Its been a pleasure working with you. - Chris Bladen
Happy Retirement!
Congratulations, Helen! You are such an amazing lady! I have learned such much from you, not just in banking, but also in grace and in patience. Thank you for being an example of how to live, and how to be kind to people. Thank you for the excellence in your work and...
Happy Retirement!
Helen - Congratulations on your retirement! I am so happy for you. You have worked long and hard and certainly deserve "YOU" days of rest, relaxation, and whatever else your heart desires! Enjoy every moment of your retirement! - Candy McNair
Happy Retirement!
May God bless you as you journey on from here. May He fill you with His goodness and joy. Take care and enjoy every day. - Lois Sanders
Happy Retirement!
Helen - Wow -- congratulations -- where has the time gone?? We have seen many changes over the years here at FUBT and I have greatly enjoyed working with you on various projects over the years. Thank you for always being willing to work through questions in a helpful...
Happy Retirement!
Wishing you the very best in retirement Helen! It's been an absolute pleasure working with you all these years. Your expertise will certainly be missed but more than that, we'll miss you. All the best! - Amy Garner
Happy Retirement!
Helen, You are such a beautiful pillar of our team. I cant tell you how much I appreciate your kindness and willingness to help at all times. You have always provided a warm space to talk through things and always willing to point me in the direction I needed to be...
Happy Retirement!
Helen - I can't believe you are leaving us after all these years. You have assisted me numerous times with all kinds of questions. It may not have been the perfect timing (never is), but you always smiled an helped. I really appreciated your assistance and the fact I...
Happy Retirement!
Helen, Wishing you nothing but the best in your retirement! You have always been so helpful. In your words “it’s time for you to do what you want to do instead of what you have to do.” Enjoy each day to the fullest! - Tina Green
Happy Retirement!
Helen, It has be a delight and wonderful pleasure to know you and work with you these years. Mike says Congratulations and Enjoy your Retirement!! Congratulations!!! Mike & Sue Sanders - Sue Sanders
Happy Retirement!
It's been a pleasure having you in my work family....it's even better being your favorite niece in our real family ;). Here's to many enjoyable years of retirement, mowing, traveling, and just loving life. Just like everyone else, I will miss seeing you everyday...but...
Happy Retirement!
Helen, Thank you for always being willing to help me with all of my questions! Your knowledge and experience has been a great help to me. Enjoy your retirement, you will be missed! - Sky Dawson
Happy Retirement Helen!
Dear Helen, Congratulations on an incredible career at First United! Your willingness to be a mentor and leader within our lending area has been a blessing to this company, our community, our clients and especially to me. Thank you for always making time to 'think...
Happy Retirement!
CONGRATULATIONS!! It has been a pleasure working with you! I know I never really worked in the same department as you but have always been able to come to you with questions or situations related to consumer loans as well as signing lien releases for mortgages! Thank...
Happy Retirement!
Congratulations Helen on your retirement. It is well deserved. You have always been more than helpful when I needed to ask questions and you were an asset to this bank. You will be missed. Keep in touch and enjoy yourself 🙂 - Jeannie Myers
Happy Retirement!
Congratulations and Happy Retirement, Helen! You have invested so much into First United over the years and have worked long and hard to ensure the best for our customers. Here's hoping that your retirement is filled with all the things you love in life! You will be...
Happy Retirement!
Congratulations Helen on your Retirement! Thank you for your years of service to First United! - Amanda McKenzie
Happy Retirement!
I hope you enjoy your retirement and you will be missed immensely,,,, - Krystal Lewis
Happy Retirement!
Happy Retirement Helen! We have worked a long time together and I will miss you! I have enjoyed working with you - you were always understanding and patient!! So happy for you and best wishes to you! Much deserved and ENJOY!!! Sarena - Sarena Rodeheaver
You Made It!!!
Helen, Congratulations on your upcoming retirement. I have really enjoyed the time that we have worked together and will miss seeing you around the Ops Center. I hate to see you go, but wish the best for you and your family. - Eric Goff
Happy Retirement!
It was a pleasure to work with you. Best of luck and enjoy your retirement!!! I will always remember your delicious brownies!!! - Beverly Barb
Happy Retirement!
Wishing you the happiest of retirements! - Ginger Wolf
Happy Retirement!
Helen - You have truly been a fantastic co-worker and will be truly missed. You have always handled yourself very professionally and made things move seamlessly thru the processes. Your wealthy of knowledge will definitely be a hard hit to Underwriting. I want to wish...
Happy Retirement!
It has been great working with you the past 20 years. I wish you nothing but the best in your retirement and you will be missed! - Monica Savage
Happy Retirement!
Congratulations on your well deserved retirement Helen! I hope it treats you well! Thank you for all of your help and assistance you have provided our team with. You will be missed! - Michelle Yommer
Happy Retirement!
Helen - it's been an absolute pleasure working with you over the years. Congratulations on your retirement and I wish you health and happiness. Enjoy!!!!!!! Scott - Scott Hostetler
Happy Retirement! FINALLY 🙂
Oh, Happy Day! I wish your the very, very best on your extended vacation. You deserve some peace and quiet and mostly relaxation. If you get bored, walk on over the hill...you know where I am 🙂 - Lisa Devier
Happy Retirement!
Congratulations Helen!!!! I wish you the very best in your future. First United Bank and Trust is losing a true gem. I will miss you!!!!! - Stephanie Stephens
Happy Retirement!
Helen, This is hard to accept that you will no longer be a part of my work family. Through the years I have learned and tried to absorb from your knowledge not only bank but also life experiences. I pray you have a happy retirement and joy life. Thanks for being a...
Happy Retirement!
Helen, I wish you a wonderful retirement. Thank you so much for dedication and leadership at First United. I only had the pleasure of working with you for a few short years but quickly was able to realize your passion for the job and your staff. You will be truly...
Happy Retirement!
Helen, To say I am happy for you is an understatement. I wish you much happiness, health and lots of travel during your retirement. It has truly been a blessing to work with you over the last 20+ years. You are not only my supervisor, but you have become a wonderful...
What Matters Most – Economic Update for October 2021 with Sean McCreery
Our monthly economic update report from the First United Wealth Management department. Sean McCreery, Wealth Investment Officer, joins us to discuss the negatives and positives happening in the market for October 2021.
Follow These 6 Cyber Security Tips to Protect Yourself Online
All of us use the internet for pretty much everything we do today, and more of our devices and appliances are connected to the internet than ever before. That’s a lot of data that needs to be protected — and a lot of data that could potentially be vulnerable to hackers. To protect your data online, start by following these tips.
Bulls & Bears Newsletter – October 2021
The latest Bulls & Bears Newsletter from our Wealth Management advisors can provide you the latest insights into the market, trends and impacts. Download and print right from our website.
First United Bank & Trust Names Denise D. Phelps Director of Diversity and Engagement
Carissa L. Rodeheaver, Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer and President of First United Bank & Trust and Chuck Olsson, Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer are proud to announce Denise D. Phelps as Vice President and Director of Diversity and Engagement, overseeing the Bank’s diversity, inclusion, and equity (DEI) strategy within all the markets served by the company.
Community Episode – Heartly House with Jennifer Tousey
Today, we talk with Jennifer Tousey, the Community Engagement & Prevention Manager at Heartly House in Frederick, Maryland to discuss this organization which has a mission to end domestic violence, sexual assault, human trafficking, and child abuse, and to provide victims with safety, shelter, and supportive services.
First United Promotes Jaime L. Shelton to Director of Retail
Alan D. Mullendore, Managing Director, is proud to announce the promotion of Jaime L. Shelton to Director of Retail for Frederick and Washington Counties, MD and Berkeley County, WV.
What Matters Most – Economic Update for September 2021 with Sean McCreery
Our monthly economic update report from the First United Wealth Management department. Sean McCreery, Wealth Investment Officer, joins us to discuss the negatives and positives happening in the market for September 2021.
Protect Yourself from Chargebacks with Katie McMillan
We are joined again today by Katie McMillan, Director of Sales at MPI, the merchant processing partner of First United. Katie is here to discuss how businesses can protect themselves against chargebacks, best practices, and more.
Protect Yourself, Cardholders – with Katie McMillan
We are joined again today by Katie McMillan, Director of Sales at MPI, the merchant processing partner of First United. Today we’re talking about protecting yourself as a cardholder. Katie joins us to offer reminders, tips, and tricks to keep yourself safe while using your credit or debit card.
First United’s Jennifer S. Kreighbaum – Maryland Banking School Award Winner
The Maryland Banking School recently announced that Jennifer S. Kreighbaum, Compliance Officer and CRA Officer for First United Bank & Trust, was awarded the Lilian T. Moffat Award for the 2021 session.
What Matters Most – Economic Update for August 2021 with Megan Kinsinger
Our monthly economic update report from the First United Wealth Management department. Megan Kinsinger, Portfolio Manager, joins us to discuss the negatives and positives happening in the market for August 2021.