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Money Market Funds

Money Market Funds

How Much Do You Know About Them?   Looking for an investment that’s highly liquid and presents very little risk to your principal? A money market mutual fund* may be a good choice.   Money market mutual funds typically invest in...

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Using Home Equity Financing

Using Home Equity Financing

Using the equity you have in your home to secure a loan may be a tax-wise method of financing or refinancing some of your personal and business expenditures. Here are a few home equity-borrowing techniques that may save you tax dollars.   Financing Personal...

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My Bank Mobile is here!

My Bank Mobile is here!

Now you can do your banking when you need it! Access your financial accounts anytime, anywhere, with your mobile device.  We use the latest mobile banking technology to protect your account and identity.  My Bank Mobile makes it easy to take...

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Money Talks . . . So Should Couples

Money Talks . . . So Should Couples

New lovebirds often spend hours talking. They share stories from childhood, funny anecdotes from high school and college, and their future hopes and dreams. But, unless a couple has talked about money, they don’t completely know each other. Many...

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Speed Up Saving

Speed Up Saving

Speed Up Saving While Slowing Down Spending Do you find that money pours out of your checking account and only trickles into your savings account? If stemming cash outflow each week is difficult, consider strategies to help you decrease spending and increase your...

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College Student and – Landlord?

College Student and – Landlord?

Don’t laugh! It may not be as far-fetched as it sounds. As college housing costs continue to rise, you may want to check out the housing market in the town where your child attends school. Buying a house in a college town can provide your child with...

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Financial Tips for the Newly Single

Financial Tips for the Newly Single

If your marriage has ended and you are single again, make sure all your financial arrangements reflect your new status. Here are a few tips to help get your new financial life off to a good start. Tip #1: Change Your Beneficiary. A divorce generally has no automatic...

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Online Resources for Consumers

Online Resources for Consumers

Consumers of all ages are increasingly turning to the Internet for help with managing their finances, but knowing where to go online for reliable, practical money tips can be challenging. That's why the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation has compiled a "Top 10"...

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Couples and Money

Couples and Money

Ask some couples how often they discuss financial issues, and you could be greeted by blank stares. Ask those same couples how often they argue about money, and you might get an earful. According to family counselors, finances are a major source of disagreement...

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Education Fund on Empty?

Education Fund on Empty?

If you don’t have enough money saved to send your high schooler to college, don’t give up hope. You still may be able to get your college planning back on the road again.

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Better Than a Crystal Ball

Better Than a Crystal Ball

As you welcome the new year, you’re probably not thinking about the many ways that life could take a turn for the worse. But it could. An illness, a natural disaster, or an unexpected financial setback are only some of the events that could disrupt...

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Home Renovations that Don’t Pay

Home Renovations that Don’t Pay

Some improvements are likely to increase your home’s value. However, others may actually decrease potential buyers’ interest in your home. So, put away your toolbox until you know more about projects that typically...

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Education Insurance

Education Insurance

If you have read the papers or listened to the news lately, you are probably well aware that the cost of a college education keeps rising — generally, at a rate higher than the rate of inflation. A private college that would have charged $12,000 per...

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6 Steps to Better Finances

6 Steps to Better Finances

Pick up a magazine and you’re bound to find a plan for improving something — eating healthier, losing weight, clearing clutter, you name it! But here’s a plan that can really make a difference. Follow the steps and...

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Find a Penny, Save It Up

Find a Penny, Save It Up

When the economy is turbulent and the costs of the items you buy every day are rising, it may seem impossible to save more for your long-term goals. Yet making a few changes to your daily routine may help you uncover some money you could start saving instead of...

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Get on Track with a Spending Plan

Get on Track with a Spending Plan

Have you ever felt like you’re walking on a treadmill with your personal finances — doing a lot of work but not getting anywhere? If so, you may need a spending plan to get back on track. A spending plan is a tool for prioritizing...

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Higher Education = High Debt?

Higher Education = High Debt?

For many families, the path to a college degree is paved with debt. As tuition has increased at more than twice the inflation rate for the past decade, more parents and students are borrowing money to pay the costs of a higher education. The average student loan debt...

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