Our team is here for you, for life!

In a time when it seems like so many banks are just the same, First United is here with the heart to be different. It’s not just that we’re locally owned with a team that lives and works in the places you call home, it’s that we’re dedicated to helping you. We build solutions that are so customized, you’d swear we only had one customer–you!

That’s why our customers call us “my bank.” We can’t wait for you to see just what we have to offer.

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How to capitalize on social media marketing

How to capitalize on social media marketing

As a small business owner, you spend a fair amount of each day trying to figure out how to connect with new customers. Attracting interest to your company can be challenging, but with social media marketing, it is easier and more cost-effective than ever before.

Simple tips to improve sales in today’s economy

Simple tips to improve sales in today’s economy

Over the past several years, the U.S. economy has struggled to gain any sort of momentum. Since the Great Recession, consumer confidence has been low, and as a result many companies across the country have struggled to boost sales and connect with customers.

3 tips to take advantage of LinkedIn

3 tips to take advantage of LinkedIn

It seems that new social media sites pop up on almost a daily basis, with a variety of quick-hitting pages appearing on the small business radar and then moving on just as fast. However, several stalwarts remain, including Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

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