Our team is here for you, for life!

In a time when it seems like so many banks are just the same, First United is here with the heart to be different. It’s not just that we’re locally owned with a team that lives and works in the places you call home, it’s that we’re dedicated to helping you. We build solutions that are so customized, you’d swear we only had one customer–you!

That’s why our customers call us “my bank.” We can’t wait for you to see just what we have to offer.

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Many employees cavalier about password security

Many employees cavalier about password security

The Internet has opened up many opportunities for consumers and businesses large and small. At one time, the only way workers could “check in” at their workplace was by actually being on site. Thanks to the web, however, millions of employees are able to work from the comfort of home, freeing up their schedules and reducing overhead costs for employers.

Creating a fun culture for small business owners

Creating a fun culture for small business owners

Monolithic organizations such as Google have proven that no matter what stage your business is at, a fun culture is still possible to maintain. Small business owners can learn from companies such as Google while attempting to foster their own unique offices.

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