Our team is here for you, for life!

In a time when it seems like so many banks are just the same, First United is here with the heart to be different. It’s not just that we’re locally owned with a team that lives and works in the places you call home, it’s that we’re dedicated to helping you. We build solutions that are so customized, you’d swear we only had one customer–you!

That’s why our customers call us “my bank.” We can’t wait for you to see just what we have to offer.

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Today’s Market Action

Today’s Market Action

Domestic equity markets are closed today (fixed-income markets close at noon ET), as Hurricane Sandy – the largest Atlantic storm on record to approach the northeast seaboard, prompted a regional evacuation and sand-bagging at the NYSE. ...

Payroll Data

Payroll Data

Keep it secret, keep it safe When it comes to workplace confidentiality, understanding the weight of the situation is crucial. Many wrongly assume that this applies to payroll only insomuch as not revealing who makes how much money and for which jobs, but it actually...

Building now for the future

Building now for the future

Many people dream of one day opening their own business, but not all of them know that the financial plans they make today may impact the investment advice they get in the future.

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