Our team is here for you, for life!

In a time when it seems like so many banks are just the same, First United is here with the heart to be different. It’s not just that we’re locally owned with a team that lives and works in the places you call home, it’s that we’re dedicated to helping you. We build solutions that are so customized, you’d swear we only had one customer–you!

That’s why our customers call us “my bank.” We can’t wait for you to see just what we have to offer.

Latest from the Blog

Steps to enhance personal, business banking

Steps to enhance personal, business banking

A small business owner should pay attention to both his or her personal – as well as the company’s – finances. Smart business banking is a critical step to entrepreneurial success, and without taking advantage of the numerous financial services provided, meeting every goal might be more challenging.

Tips to improve employee performance, productivity

Tips to improve employee performance, productivity

Start-ups and fledgling firms are sometimes faced with this dilemma: Employees are happy, but production is slipping and the company’s financial plan is starting to take a hit. Small business owners could solve this problem in a way that makes fiscal sense and maintains professional relationships.

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