Our team is here for you, for life!

In a time when it seems like so many banks are just the same, First United is here with the heart to be different. It’s not just that we’re locally owned with a team that lives and works in the places you call home, it’s that we’re dedicated to helping you. We build solutions that are so customized, you’d swear we only had one customer–you!

That’s why our customers call us “my bank.” We can’t wait for you to see just what we have to offer.

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SolarWinds Vulnerabilities Update

SolarWinds Vulnerabilities Update

It has been widely reported that SolarWinds Orion systems have identified vulnerabilities disclosed on Sunday, Dec. 13. These vulnerabilities exploit update mechanisms of the SolarWinds system in order to distribute malware to SolarWinds’ clients. Click to read the response from First United.

What Matters Most – 120th Anniversary Conversations with Gene Helbig

What Matters Most – 120th Anniversary Conversations with Gene Helbig

Today we talk with former Senior Vice President over Trust & Investments at First United, Gene Helbig. Gene chats about his tenure at the bank, his memories, his foundation (jackhelbig.org), and what the 120 years of trusted banking that First United has provided mean to him. We also realized that Gene was the creator of this podcast in its original form, as a conference call! We added that outtake portion of the conversation to the end of the recording.

What Matters Most – 120th Anniversary Conversations with Carol McNair

What Matters Most – 120th Anniversary Conversations with Carol McNair

Today, as part of First United’s 120th-anniversary celebration we talk to Carol McNair, Customer Service Center manager, and one of the most tenured associates at First United, to discuss some of her memories and history at First United, including what 120 years of solutions mean to her. We thank Candy for her years of support and dedication to the First United customers!

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